RX Common Sense Bill New York Health Works

It’s Common Sense: The Consumer Prescription Drug Bill of Rights

You are your number one health advocate. You keep up with regular doctor appointments, ask your doctor questions about your symptoms and make sure you’re following your individual medication plan. But what if it wasn’t you making the final decisions about your health care? What if your insurance company were making it more difficult for you to follow the health plan of you and your doctor’s choice?


While it may seem like common sense to allow a patient to have the final say about their personal health care plans, that might not always be the case. In fact, health insurance companies may be:


  • Changing coverage plans that could impact what prescriptions are covered
  • Changing coverage without the patient’s consent
  • Forcing patients to mail-order prescriptions, even if that’s not the best option


Instead of allowing health insurance companies to have the final say in your health care plan, take control and support the RX Common Sense Bill. This bill supports patients’ rights to have access to the health care and medication they need to stay healthy. The bill accomplishes this in three ways: 1. Increasing access to medication, 2. Protecting the choice in how medications are received, 3. Supporting transparency between patients and health care professionals.


Increasing access

The RX Common Sense Bill ensures that a patient has access to the medication they need to stay healthy. The bill will protect this right from changes in insurance coverage lists, access guidelines or medication substitutions.


Protecting the choice

Mail-ordering or picking up a prescription in person should be the choice of the patient and what works best for them. The bill will ensure that patients have the right to choose how they receive their medication.


Supporting transparency

Patients should have all of the information about their health care before making any decisions, and they should be able to rely on that information for the whole year they’re covered. New or changing prior authorization requirements during the year can impact coverage and create unnecessary burdens for patients. This bill will ensure that patients can trust the information they use to shop for coverage and the rug won’t get pulled out from under them.


Learn more to protect the right to choose your health care and to restore common sense to medication.