Gary Allen is running from Maine to Washington, DC in 14 days to raise funds for cancer research, veterans and victims of the Newtown, Conn. tragedy. All monies raised will go to the American Cancer Society, Wounded Warrior Project and Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Allen began his run in snowshoes at the summit of Cadillac Mountain in Maine’s Acadia National Park. He is running about 50 miles a day and is set to arrive in the Bronx late afternoon on January 16.
All told, he will run 700 miles and reach Washington, DC on January 21, the day of the Presidential Inauguration. His minute-by-minute progress is being tracked live on satellite link at The site also provides information on donating to the three causes.
For more information on Allen’s stop in NYC, checkĀ here.
-Jaime Venditti, 1/15/13