This October 27th, from 10am to 2pm, the Drug Enforcement Administration will be hosting its 6th National Take Back Day.
The purpose of Take Back Day is to help combat drug addiction and overdose deaths.
In 2015, a national survey on drug use and health showed that 6.4 million Americans abused controlled prescription drugs. The majority of those drugs were prescribed to friends and family and were often accessible in a home medicine cabinet.
Take Back Day offers an opportunity for citizens to dispose of any unwanted, unused or expired prescription medications, reducing the chances of those medications being abused by someone they were not prescribed to.
Drop-off locations can be found around the state. To find the drop-off site nearest to you, check out the Take Back Day website.
If there’s no site close to you or you can’t drop off during that time, there are alternatives to safely disposing of your medications. Check out community disposal programs in your area, or safely dispose of medication at home using the following steps:
Drug misuse is a public safety issue. Take your unused, unwanted, or expired prescriptions to a drop-off location near you this October or safely dispose of them at home.