National News:
-President Obama this Monday requested from Congress $1.8 billion to combat the Zika Virus, which has so far spread to several Central and South American countries.
-John Hopkins school of medicine is preparing to perform the first organ transplantsbetween H.I.V. positive donors and H.I.V. positive recipients.
-The New York Times parcels out the pros and cons of high deductible health insurance.
State News:
-Governor Cuomo this week announced a proposal to grant minors confidential access to H.I.V. prevention and care services, as part of his effort to end the AIDS epidemic.
-AIDS advocates are pressing the governor to include additional funding in his 30 day budget amendments to bolster his Ending the Epidemic campaign.
-Governor Cuomo announced regulations to end “conversion therapy”, a controversial practice that purports to change a person’s sexual orientation.
NYC News:
-Newly diagnosed cases of Hepatitis see are on the rise in New York City, writes Politico NY.